Monday, May 22

Summer reading list

Now that I'm out of college, I plan on milking the opportunity to read for fun for all that its worth. No more death marches through The Odyssey or Dorothy Wordsworth's freaking Grasmere Journals. It is wholly up to me now. This summer, I don't really plan on reading much new material. Likely some Jane Austen, seeing as how so many friends at college are familiar with her, and probably some Tom Wolfe and Hunter S. Thompson too to see what they're all about. Maybe even some poetry, freely available on-line, like Charles Baudelaire and Khalil Gibran. Otherwise, I plan on doing a great deal of rereading. I already returned to The Once and Future King and have started The Picture of Dorian Gray for the second time. Other novels I plan on coming back to include Catch-22, The Mists of Avalon (just can't get enough of those Arthurian legends), Watership Down, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, A Brave New World and A Clockwork Orange. I'm curious to see what my reaction will be to these years after my innocent, initial reading. Suggestions are always welcome.


Anonymous said...

Have you read The Crystal Cave series by Mary Stewart(?)
I know there isn't enough time in the summer to get tons of reading done, but if you like the Arthurian legends, you might be interested in her books as well. They are written from Merlin's point of view and are, I think, amazing. I suppose I should offer more support for them than that, but eh there you go.

Anonymous said...

Good choices- especially Watership Down. Have you read anything by Richard Adams before? I would suggest Plague Dogs.

Also, I just started reading Dr. Zhivago by Boris Pasternak, and I'd really suggest that. It's beautiful prose.

Hope your summer's going well!

Emmett said...

I'm a fan of "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" but how can you say you don't want to read the Odyssey? Wouldn't you just love to go back over it in painstaking detail, checking for every theme and every symbol, all of the literary techniques, perhaps taking a month or so on it, just to be sure you cover it all...