Friday, May 19

On writing here

As is my wont, my thoughts turn to my actual writing and posting to Spice of Life. My writing here is spontaneous. An idea comes into my head or won’t get out of it, and I release it here, writing as fast as I can. In all truth, I rarely even re-read what I put down before hitting the ‘Publish Post’ button. This blog is my opportunity to just write, caring little for what comes out. No one is going to grade it, and I’m not trying to sell it. Punctuation and coherent, reasoned-out arguments be cast into the Great Pit of Karkoon where they will be fed to the almighty Sarlaac and condemned to eternal suffering!

Then I consider writing here against those pieces which actually are graded or I want to sell, like the short story I’m working on now. Are my posts to Spice of Life beneficial to these writings that actually mean something? To a large extent, I believe that any writing at all is valuable to the rest of your writing. It gets you in the right mindset, and writing becomes more familiar to you. I worry, though, that this blog may cause bad habits. Writing with little thought is prone to clichés, something to otherwise be avoided. As I get used to not even looking over my work a second time, I may grow restless at the thought of having to do so four times or more when the writing is important. Of course, the blog may just as well become a simple distraction, no different from TV as I opt to write here for fun rather than grind through the difficult portions of something else. It’ll be something to monitor and be aware of in these coming weeks and months, and you, my faithful readers, will be kept up-to-date of my findings.

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