Sunday, May 21


Coming back from college, where everywhere I wanted to go was within an easy walking or biking distance, and starting my job at the park where I have to drive a half hour each way makes me realize just how much I abhor driving. I truly find it to be one of the stupidest and most boring things in the world. It takes little skill, any moron can learn to drive (the thirty hours of class time are more than excessive), but demands so much of your attention that it's nigh impossible to form some decent thoughts lest you become distracted and wreck a rather expensive investment or yourself. If you prefer, I can spell this little progression out Yoda, Episode I style. Driving leads to boredom. Boredom leads to thinking. Thinking leads to distraction. Distraction leads to destruction. Obviously, we need to nip this one in the bud and stop the path to destruction early on, so we're stuck at boredom. Also, considering the collision between my natural cheapness and the price of gas, there is really nothing positive to say about driving. I don't dispute the current necessity of driving (I'm still hoping for the instant matter transportation machine), but boy do I ever hate it, if that point hasn't been made obvious yet.

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