Sunday, May 14


Someone once told me this was beautiful. Mostly, I made it up on the spot and think that she was flattering me, but hey, she said what she did. Here it is.

At some level, we all know who the person is we want to spend our life with, the person we want to marry. We know their mannerisms and how they will treat us. Then that fantasy runs into reality, and it seems like a dream that is impossible to realize. We falter as we come to believe that the person who we created in our minds may not exist. Then someone matches them perfectly, in some little way; their walk, their laugh, and we begin to believe that they may be the fantasy we have been searching for, and they become our crush.

I don’t even like the word ‘crush’ much. It’s what people giggled about and played at in middle school. Seeing as how a more appropriate word does not come to me, I’ll stick with it.

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