Friday, March 17


My relationship with my hair is a complicated one. Of all aspects of my physical appearance, I guess that it is the one I am most vain about. My face isn't that great, though my eyes are okay, I guess, I'm rather pale and I have never had a defined set of muscles that made me want to go around without my shirt on.

Thus, I have long depended upon my hair as my most beautiful attribute, which is very strange considering how much I've neglected and abused my hair. If you've kept up with my blog at all, you'll know I had dreadlocks a while ago. Maybe two years ago, I dyed it a brilliant blue, which quickly faded to a rather sickly green. On top of all that, I get maybe two haircuts a year and buy the cheapest shampoos and conditioners I can find.

So, here I am with hair that I put about as little effort into as possible but still believe is beautiful. I guess this is the result of being told for years that beauty is on the inside, a message I took to heart so that I now put no effort into my appearance, especially that which I consider my greatest aspect. Maybe, if I'm not naturally beautiful, I shouldn't try and force it. I should remain the way I was made and not fight my nature.

Looking back, this is one of my stranger posts. Maybe I'll edit it later to make it more coherent or find some great, underlying message in it all. Have a happy St. Patrick's Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm...this makes me want to partake in an experiment with your hair. I have some expensive men's shampoo and conditioner that I won in some drawing last year that I couldn't convince my low maintenance brother to use for his own enviable hair. It would be interesting to see if your hair's magnificence could be enhanced further since it seems unbothered by habitual neglect.
And if not... it's free and it smells good. I only used it a couple of times until I realized that it conflicted too much with the few scented products that I do like.
I'll bring it back for you just in case.