Saturday, February 11

My Name

I know I've already done a post on names and everything, but I was kicking around Wikipedia tonight and this stuff I found was just too cool. Or nerdy. Whatever.

My name is Christopher Francis Heinrich, and, as with all things, I'll start at the beginning. Christopher descends from the Greek Christophoros. It translates to "Bearer of Christ," a reference to the legend of St. Christopher, the patron saint of travelers and an eighteen foot tall giant who once carried the baby Jesus across a river. Francis comes from the Francois, a French name meaning something like "little French person." Finally we come to Heinrich, a Norman variant on the German Haimrich, and means "ruler of the home."

Anyone else see the fascinating dichotomies? Legendary giant and "little French person?" "Ruler of the home" and patron saint of travelers? On top of all this, for coming from a solidly European background, I sure have a lot of diversity going for me with each of my names deriving from a different language. I am just too cool. A walking paradox, it's amazing that I don't explode from all the nomenclatural forces working on me.

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